I hope you washed your hands afterwards!
i was leaving for lunch break from an acting workshop i took today.
about three blocks down i saw a jw sister standing by her van.
at first at thought maybe she's not a jw.
I hope you washed your hands afterwards!
does the bible supply us with any information, that might give us, at least, some idea when this frightening time period will begin?does it show us, in some way, just how frightening this time period will be, and just what is the main cause of it?
" [matthew 24:8 niv}.
what was it that actually marked the beginning of these birth pangs?
You remind me of a child that having watched a horror movie or read a scary book, starts to confuse the scripted actors with real people. Having identified with the hero and his role, the child begins to confuse the entertaining story with reality.
Soon there is a ghost under his bed. Is that weird noise cats fighting in the garden or is the world starting to self destruct? Could the shadows on the wall be the monster coming to get the child? Who will save the world from the gremlins? Where is the ghost buster? woooo!
Fortunately most children grow out of this delusional and imaginative part of their lives.
Some never do!
the jehovah's witness are notorious for ranting about their favourite religion to pick on and that is the catholic church.
my question is, if they are false.
prophets, etc... then what they said about the catholic church should be suspect also.
omerp: I believe the devil is alive and well and also active in the hearts of men and women in all denominations!
And there was me thinking it was just heart-burn!
The 'kingdom smile' vanishes along with the 'this generation' teaching.
in a us interview elton john says "i think jesus was a compassionate, super-intelligent gay man who understood human problems".
what do you in the us think of his comments?.
we in the uk find him to be a sad old queen with a bitter and twisted view on life!.
It has been made clear to us all that to be intelligent, compassionate, understanding and in all a decent human it is essential to be a Christian. Now the qualification has been made more exclusive than ever; we must also be gay.
I personally fail to see how any one can consider themselves to be a decent person unless they are Christian, gay, poor and suffer from a serious disability. For such, may I add meek, people the kingdom of the heavens has been made ready.
Hail Cesar!
a few weeks back, in the midst of the haiti tragedy, much discussion took place in cyberland about the tolerance [or indeed the insistence on] suffering by a loving god.
the furor over haiti has settled a bit [as unfortunately most tragedy is wont to do far too quickly in the human mind], but this persistent matter continues to chew at my subconscience.
today i came across this:.
To Non Believers
The anger that some non believers have express on this most enlightening thread comes through very strongly. You choose to get involved in hypothetical arguments about the rights and wrongs of God’s alleged actions, even though you do not believe in God. I have done the same over many years on this forum in my real name.
You know the scenario is not real yet your mind feels genuine emotion, the same as watching a fictitious film can move you. Once the anger has become a real emotion it needs a real live target to vent itself on. God will not do because you do not believe he exists, so the beliefs of those who do believe in a God must be squashed for the anger to be spent. This is a false hope.
The anger comes from the difficulty of accepting that we are alone in the universe and will one day die. Once we were young, believed in a God and had parents. Our parents pass away and we see through the invention of a heavenly father and face old age and death. There is a feeling of abandonment and hopelessness which turns to anger.
We feel anger towards believers because they do not accept their mortality and can offer us no comfort or solace, so the feeling of abandonment returns. They have avoided the painful processes of facing up to reality, believing their ego will survive for eternity. While we look for a way to cope that does not involve inventing an invisible friend, they support and worship a friend that we do not believe exists. We are affronted that they can talk of love for a creature that we perceive as a monster. We ask - where is their humanity?
The solution is to accept and embrace the peace and stillness that comes from knowing that we can live without feeling threatened or blessed. We can enjoy the relief that we are not living in the shadow of a monster in the sky that holds all the cards and is impossible to please. Acceptance that our troubled existence on this wonderful yet hostile planet is temporary and unimportant can bring great inner peace. There is no need for anger, no need for regrets. We have done the best we can and it was good enough. Who says so? We do and we need no further validation. We do not need to thank or be thanked. We do not need saving or redeeming; punishing or apologising for; blessing or rewarding. We are just fine as we are.
Some people are unable to walk through this world without crutches. They are to be pitied not envied. They will never know the joy of walking, upright and free until they throw away their crutches. Their delusion robs them of ever being in contact with the true reality of their existence. It is absurd to expect delude people to recognise that they are deluded. It is the nature of delusion that the victim is always unaware of their plight.
To believers
I realise that you believe I am delude so pasting my last paragraph and telling me I have described myself will not do. No cigar! May your imaginary God bless you and protect you from non-believers.
a few weeks back, in the midst of the haiti tragedy, much discussion took place in cyberland about the tolerance [or indeed the insistence on] suffering by a loving god.
the furor over haiti has settled a bit [as unfortunately most tragedy is wont to do far too quickly in the human mind], but this persistent matter continues to chew at my subconscience.
today i came across this:.
We as humans may be the manifestation of consciousness that was working at an unconscious level for millions of years. If all that exists is of God and God, then we are a part of God.
Or we may be thinking too much of ourselves and are just advanced bacterior that is damaging the planet while a perfect invisible intelligence looks on dispassionately.
first of all, lets head off some potential problems before they start.
i am not doing this thread to argue.
if you would like to, thats fine.
Belief and Non-belief are two sides of the same coin. They are both activities of the mind seeking to establish a substantial reality through the use of words. Belief is allowing ourselves to accept something that we have no evidence of; just hope and illusion in place of experience. While we debate whether or not we believe in a certain school of thought, reality slips away unnoticed.
we begin with the tension between the law of moses and the paul the apostle version.. .
the law of moses was a law that required physical compliance in order for physical enforcement to follow.
circumcision was physical.
Laws are made by people in power. The laws then have to be regularly enforced so that they act as a deterrent. If those in power never enforce the laws they have made, in time the laws become useless and the population assume that they are no longer in force. More than this, they see the law maker as weak and unable to maintain the laws he has made. Governments succeed or fail to the degree that they can enforce their will and laws.
Thousands of years of human history shows us this reality in action. It would be pointless for a supreme being to make absolute laws and then do nothing to enforce them. That would create a worse state of affairs than not making laws of any kind. Even when those in power cause the death and suffering to millions of people, there is no intervention or law enforcement from a supreme being.
The only logical conclusion is that no universal laws have been made in the first place. There has never been a universal code of conduct that has been accepted by every nation.
Whether a supreme being God exists is not the issue here. What is clear is that no such supreme being has operated through the making and enforcement of laws, throughout the whole of human history.
Once that concept is grasped it becomes possible to see what forces are really in operation throughout the universe. We as humans are on a journey of discovery. Laws are made by each society as they are deemed helpful or necessary, either for those in power or the population in general.if there is a sb (supreme being), there really isn't any logical necessity that it would conform in any manner to what we call "good".
it simply isn't a requirement, and yet for religious people it simply must be that god is good.. .
i wonder if it's love or fear, which causes people to cling to this idea.. .
'Yes, by teaching them that there is real God, One greater than the false gods worshipped by the Greeks.'
Steady - The Greek & Roman gods are the only true gods and deserve to be treated with respect.
They are not to be trifled with. Your Israelite god could get hurt.
Hail Cesar!